Friday, September 28, 2007

Why didn't I learn to sew????

To sew or not to sew? That's the migraine headache about to befall me. I have a friend who can sew up a wedding dress in like 10 minutes. We went to the same high school, why didn't I get these skills? I think I'm going to pay someone. The last time I tried to sew anything, I threw the pattern in the trash and sold the sewing machine. However, I need this comforter in front of me to shrink by 5 -6 inches. How hard could it be to just take off the excess so it will fix in the duvet? (Don't answer that) Don't think I didn't consider hacking off the excess and "hemming " it with duct tape! The only thing that stopped me from doing that was I will have to take the comforter out to wash it. I am redecorating my entire house and this is my first problem, but generally I'm having lots of fun. I have ideas whirling around my head.

PS There's been a lot of activity here, I appreciate all the new comments. I WILL get to everyone's blog to stop by and say hi. I've also been tagged and when I get images of scissors and Duct tape out of my mind I will respond to my tag this evening.


Damselfly said...

Hey, doesn't your mom sew? Taking off some inches shouldn't be too hard. If your mom can't do it, send your comforter to your high school friend. ;)

Victoria said...

Congrats on the traffic -- it is so nice, yet it creates a lot of work, too! Gotta be a good blog friend, right?

Good luck with everything, and feel free to stop by at your leisure. ;)